Harvest concept(chew's challenge)[]
Passive: Strength in Numbers - You start with about 500 harvests and you lose them when they are attacked they are needed for Harvest moves
R: Rally - You play an animation of recalling harvests for 3 seconds restoring 50-200 harvests
T: Alchohol Injection - Harvest stings forward deals 12 damage while also applying poision for 5 seconds totalling 25 damage this also blinds the opponent for 10 seconds
Y: Harvest infestation - You launch Harvest forward
H: Pilot - Extremely long range lets say same as scr when attacked in this you lose harvests going out of pilot when you reach 50 harvests you can also drop items when being attacked
Z: Carry - while in pilot Harvest can pick up items or people and carry them around it can also carry you if Harvest exits pilot it'll put them down people can escape by jumping