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KQBTD Rework Concept:

M1s: 7.6 DMG

M2s: 10.1 DMG

E - Stand Barrage - classic stand barrage

Deals 1.3 DMG, Blockable, Combo Starter.

R - Stand Barrage Finisher - classic stand barrage finisher

15.6 DMG, Block Breaks, Combo Ender, Parriable.


|T| - Plant Bomb/Detonate (doesnt show menu, just detonates current bomb out)

The user places down a bomb on the ground, something or someone. The user then pulls out Killer Queen and then with his thumb he acts as though he detonates a button, exploding around the area with the bomb.

1.3 DMG (The placing down), Blockable, Stuns. 24.2 (The explosion), Unblockable, Combo Ender.

Adds on something called: Tag Effect. (Once tagged it doesn't come off until 30 seconds later).

Leaves iframes on get up so theres no inf combos (uzu couldnt do this).

|Y| - No Evidence

The user moves in a clear swift motion leaving a trail of blackness/darkness behind him, he then moves swiftly to the opponent in front of them and then grab the person's head, blowing them up quickly and leaving no trace of them.

20.2 DMG, Blockable, Combo Ender.

Leaves Iframes on get up so theres no inf combos.

|Z| - Scattered Coin Bomb

The user pulls out a bunch of coins from his pocket he then scatters it arounds himself as he detonates each one in front of him, leaving the enemy stunned by the explosions and blindness of them.

1.4 DMG, Hits 15 times, Blockable, Combo Extender.

|X| - My Identity!

The user starts panicking as someone finds out his identity, afterwards he then dashes at the opponent doing a swift barrage and then ending it with a donut leaving them ragdolled.

1.2 DMG (5 Hits), 15 DMG (Donut), Parriable, Block Break at End, Combo Ender.

Applies Bleed Effect

Leaves Iframes on Getup.

|G| - Face Bash

The user puts his stand away and then they grab their opponent by the collar. The user then bashes the person's face into the floor multiple times until they are bloody, the user then kicks them away.

30.5 DMG, Parriable, Unblockable, Combo Ender.

|J| - Stray Cat Bomb

The user brings out his stand Killer Queen and then he opens up his addition to it, Stray Cat. Afterwards he makes the Stray Cat put out a bubble and then he infuses it with a bomb, tracking the person it is most near. Can detonate whenever.

24.2 DMG, Blockable, Trackable, Combo Extender/Starter.

|C| - Bites The Dust!

The user brings out his stand and then he has a very menacing aura around him, he then reaches for his hand as the stand protects him while doing so and then he clicks on his hand detonating the bomb enabling Bites the Dust. The user rewinds time back to 10 seconds ago and heals all the hp he has lost in the last 10 seconds, as he says "Yes! I did it!". They hold up their hands while saying it.

60.6 DMG, Unblockable, Regens, Not Cancellable unless TS gets the user below 25% in that amount of time.

If killed during ts while in usage of this, it will play a special moment where the person gets hit by the ambulance Kira got hit by and died from.

Special Mechanic: Rewinds Time