Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki

PizzaManJulian PizzaManJulian 14 August 2023

Smooth Operators

  • 1 Smooth Operators INCOMPLETE
    • 1.1 How to Obtain
  • 2 Passives
    • 2.1 Availability
    • 2.2 Smooth Treading
    • 2.3 Reconstruction
  • 3 Moveset
    • 3.1 LMB - Punch
    • 3.2 RMB - Heavy Punch
    • 3.3 R - Boosted Punch
    • 3.4 G - Face Disfigurement

Smooth Operators is obtained by using an Alternate Arrow with a 25% chance to obtain it. Alternate Arrows spawn 1/25 as much as normal arrows (normal arrows spawn very often) and have a 25% chance to give Smooth Operators, Heavens Door (Pt. 9), November Rain, and The Hustle.

For the 2 passives to enact, Smooth Operators must be available. If a move utilizing the Operators is not actively being used/hasn't been used in the last 3 seconds, the Operators will be considered available.

If the Operators are available, each of the users feet will have 2 Operator…

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