Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki
Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki

"Do exactly as you like. That is the true meaning of pleasure. Pleasure leads to joy and joy leads to happiness. Your path is now clear, Kirei. So clear there is no longer any need to hesitate."



Gilgamesh is a spec that can obtained by using a Holy Grail.

A Holy Grail is an item that spawns around the map. It has about the same spawn rate as Zeppeli's Headband.

Gilgamesh primarily focuses on far ranged attacks. It is not good when used close-range.


M1 - The King's Treasure: The user sends a weapon from a portal flying wherever your mouse is. This will do 7 damage. When combo'd it will deal 35 damage. This is blockable. Note that if you have a Stand equipped you will use the Stand's M1 rather than Gilgamesh's.

Z - Golden Barrage: The user sends an overwhelming number of weapons flying wherever your mouse is. Every weapon will deal 1.2 damage and will last for about 10 seconds. This is blockable through five seconds of the barrage and is also cancellable.

G - Ea (Enuma Elish): WIP lol