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Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki

The World Over Heaven[]


“Reality itself, bend to my will!!”


The player must obtain The World from a stand arrow, mysterious arrow or lucky arrow. Talking to the Enrico Pucci NPC with The World equipped while holding a Dio’s Diary will start the ‘Heaven’s Plan’ quest to obtain the souls of 100 descendants of the Joestar Bloodline. For each kill in 1v1s, 2v2s, Steel Ball Run Casual and Steel Ball Run Competitive, the player has a 25% chance of gaining 1 Joestar Soul which will be indicated by a small rainbow orb floating into the player’s avatar after killing a player. After collecting all 100 souls and returning to talk to Pucci, the player will be prompted to collect all four parts of the saint’s corpse. After collecting them, the player can head to the tallest peak with The World equipped and fuse all four corpse parts with their stand. This will initiate a cutscene where all 100 Joestar Souls will appear around the user before being absorbed into The World causing it to turn into The World Over Heaven.


This stand concept may not contain some of the moves that the viewer may think it should have. I based the moves off the cutscenes from Eyes of Heaven to try and make it as canon as possible with some of my own additions and twists.



Overwritten - Has no gameplay effect, merely visual. Players killed by the user will slowly turn transparent and disappear in a swirl of golden light.

Basic Abilities[]

LMB - TWOH punches forwards, dealing 10.1 true damage with a swirling gold effect on hits.

RMB - TWOH swipes the air in front of the user, overwriting it to manifest a single knife construct that launches itself towards the location of the user’s cursor which deals 7.2 damage on hit.

Stand Barrage - TWOH unleashes a flurry of barrages in front of the user, dealing 1.7 true damage per hit with small gold spark effects on hits.

Stand Barrage Finisher - TWOH performs a heavy punch in front of the user that deals 20.1 true damage with a swirling gold effect on hit.

Unique Abilities[]

[T] Reality Overwrite - TWOH punches in front of the user dealing 20.3 that knocks targets back and removes all their limbs for 6.0 seconds, destroying all non-friendly projectiles in a 45 stud radius around the user and granting immunity to all frontal damage.

| Can be Parried | Blockable | I-frame | Area of Effect | True Damage |

  • Cooldown: 19.5 seconds
  • Wind Up: 500ms
  • End Lag: 255ms
  • Stun: N/A
  • Damage: 20.3

[Y (Tap)] Beckoning Thunder - TWOH points its right hand into the air before swiping downwards, calling down a large bolt of lightning from the sky that deals 32.0 damage in a 50 stud wide AoE around the user that knock targets back and stand crashes them.

| Cancelable | Block Break | True Stand Crash |

  • Cooldown: 25.0 seconds
  • Wind Up: 450ms
  • End Lag: 399ms
  • Stun: N/A
  • Damage: 32.0

[Y (Hold)] Rolling Thunder - TWOH points its right hand forwards, calling down 7 smaller lightning bolts at the general location nearby players in front of the user that deal 10.5 damage each in a 10 stud wide AoE that knocks targets down briefly so that two consecutive bolts cannot hit the same target twice but the one after that can. The lightning bolts strike every 4.0 - 5.5 seconds randomly, giving enough time for targets to dash away. (like in Eyes of Heaven :> )

| Cancelable | Block Break | True Stand Crash |

  • Cooldown: 27.0 seconds
  • Wind Up: 450 (+1200)ms
  • End Lag: 255ms
  • Stun: N/A
  • Damage: 73.5

[Z] Pacifying Overwrite - TWOH punches in front of the user with a purple lightning effect dealing 20.1 damage. Targets hit by this ability get a purplish electric effect around them and have their eyes glow purple for 5.0 seconds and are unable to deal damage to the user or parry any of the user’s abilities for that duration. Blocking negates the damage from this ability but will still apply the mind controlling effect. Using Pacifying Overwrite puts [Perfected Time Stop] on a 7.0 seconds cooldown.

| Blockable | Cancelable | Debuff | True Damage |

  • Cooldown: 20.5 seconds
  • Wind Up: 315ms
  • End Lag: 127ms
  • Stun: 150ms
  • Damage: 20.1

[X] Time Skip - The user teleports to their cursor’s location within a 75 stud radius with a golden distortion effect to nearby players’ screens.

| Utility | Evasive |

  • Cooldown: 13.0 seconds
  • Wind Up: 0ms
  • End Lag: 0ms
  • Stun: N/A
  • Damage: N/A

[G] Perfected Time Stop - The user extends their arms and stops the flow of time around them, causing all nearby players’ screens to gain a gold static/ distortion effect. This time stop cannot be resisted by time stop resistant stands (but they can still see in it). Damage dealt in stopped time is capped at 50% of the target’s max HP. True damage does not apply in stopped time.

| Cancelable | Area of Effect | Special |

  • Cooldown: 42.0 seconds (a bit longer than all other TS so that they have a chance to use their’s first)
  • Wind Up: 412ms
  • End Lag: 120ms
  • Stun: 7000ms
  • Damage: N/A

[H] Injury Overwrite - The user grabs their own chest and glow briefly with a golden swirling effect and restores 15% of their Max HP.

| Cancelable | Heal |

  • Cooldown: 31.5 seconds
  • Wind Up: 333ms
  • End Lag: 71ms
  • Stun: N/A
  • Healing: 15% Max HP

[J] Kick Barrage - TWOH unleashes a flurry of blockable kicks that deal 2.3 damage per hit before finishing with a heavy kick that knock target back that deals 12.5 damage.

| Blockable | Block Break | Can be Parried |

  • Cooldown: 14.0 seconds
  • Wind Up: 225ms
  • End Lag: 144ms
  • Stun: N/A
  • Damage: 35.5

[K] My Reality! - The user jabs forwards. If it hits a target, initiates a cutsence where TWOH punches a hole through the target’s chest that deals 12.8 - 32.8 damage depending on the % of their current HP. The user then turns around before saying a Japanense voiceline that means “My hand will always reach reality… a reality free of obstruction” in English. The target then collapses and falls over taking 6 ticks of bleed and ending the cutscene.

| Execute | Block Bypass | Cancelable | Can be Parried | Cutscene |

  • Cooldown: 45.0 seconds
  • Wind Up: 420ms
  • End Lag: 174ms
  • Stun: N/A
  • Damage: 32.8 (+12)