Dynamic and nonlinear combat is the goal
Humanoid Stand Vs. Humanoid Stand combat (which is my current focus) is based around having your stands fight and clash each others attacks to defend yourself. You must keep a close eye on your enemies and defend yourself. This is the basics of close quarters combat.
There is also ranged combat and map features you can use to your advantage. Don't compare this to YBA, because its not even close to that. However, a lot of my focus is currently on clashing and close-range fighting. This doesn't mean I don't have ranged fighting in mind.
Having a stand hit your physical body is very dangerous with how deadly stands can be, so you aren't meant to be too close to your opponent with humanoid brawling. Obviously this wouldn't apply for other stands, but ill figure that out eventually.
You also use special abilities to think ahead of your enemy and control the battlefield. Thats kind of all I have to say for this overview. Im just saying fights are supposed to be long and intriguing.
This will make much more sense in an actual concept.
Stand -[]
In combat, your stand can be up to 3 meters from you. Which is equal to approximately 9 studs. When using moves, your stand will automatically advance towards the nearest enemy.
When in combat you can slowly move while your stand is attacking.
Your stand has its own hitbox, meaning projectiles will hit it and stuff. I hope that was obvious.
Health -[]
Health will work as a bar that goes from 1-400, with multiple functions.
Firstly, health is seperate from pain. Health is simply how much hp you have. Its REALLY simple. why am I even still typing?
Okay, well, ill talk about the healthbar.
Your healthbar is a red bar going from full to empty, DUH, but it goes down when hit. Your HP bar will get a border when taking damage, such as bleeding poison or currently being smacked in the face. The color and shape and visuals change depending on dmg type as listed.
I could totally make those but nah just imagine it as you will 😝
Most of the time, your stand will be the one taking damage. Your stands durability and clashing determine damage taken from uhh getting hit.
Pain -[]
Pain is a small meter at the bottom of your hp bar that represents the health of your body. For example, you can break bones, be bleeding from sharp attacks, be internally poisoned, have damaged organs, and uhhm yeahh!! Resolve lowers the effects of pain.
Resolve -[]
This bar is under your healthbar, labelled “Resolve”.
A simple way to think of this is the health of your soul/spirit. Not necessarily stand, but I guess in a way.
“Resolve is ones ability to open up a path of light in the darkness” - Giorno Giovanna
Atleast it was something like that
This bar works from 0-100.
Resolve can lower the effects of having a damaged body. For example, when damaged your speed and power decreases, but resolve negates 0.85% of the decrease per resolve. This effect doesnt work on lost limbs, and the negation is only 0.65% towards broken bones.
Resolve also increases the speed of some special moves. Will be specified individually.
Gaining Resolve -
- Landing attacks (Dealing dmg)
- Dodging attacks
- Passively gain resolve when losing the fight by a majority
- Placeholder text xP
Losing Resolve -
- Lose 2% resolve every time you are hit
- Lose resolve passively when winning by a majority.
Basic Attacks - Barrage[]
Every stand will have different basic attacks, but all stands will have some sort of rush attack.
Humanoid stands will have a “Barrage”, being a flurry of punches thrown in quick succession.
Barrages can last up to 4 seconds
Your base barrage damage is taken from stand speed and dest power.
Your barrage speed will decrease with health, being very low health will give you a much slower barrage.
When two barrages hit eachother, they will enter a barrage clash. Barrage damage will be quartered for each matching punch, (when the hitboxes match at the same time), meaning the faster barrage will deal much more damage.
Combat Basics - Humanoid Stands /Clashing[]
One of the basic features of combat is clashing. When two attacks of the same type match, they will clash. Clashing will negate the attack damage, although if the enemies destructive power is stronger than yours you will receive minor damage wherever you were hit. Heavy attacks will deal more damage when clashed.
1-9 +M1 will throw out a physical attack, there are 10 types of physical attacks for each stand, specified in their own way with unique properties. These physical attacks are the basis of close quarters humanoid combat.
10 sounds like a lot, but you probably wont need to memorize and use all of them yourself. You will get comfortable with a stand over time. In clashing you will want to use the better type of physical attack to overpower the enemy. There is a basic and custom control scheme for physical attacks
Although named “Physical attacks”, these attacks are all extremely unique.
The clashing window isnt at all frame perfect. If two moves that can clash are in windup at the same time they will match eachother. This means even if you are slow you can defend yourself by matching.
1-9 + M1 have physical attacks.
Choose your own keybinds.
Format -[]
Physical Attack - Move Name - 1-0
Description + Damage
Bypass information
Block Break?
Damage -
Windup -
Endlag -
Blocking -
Blocking is like an alternative to clashing, which you can do by holding M1 and M2 at the same time. This block is a little weaker to clashing, and can be broken with SOME specific moves leaving you unguarded. Otherwise, most heavy attacks will just bypass the block and hit you dead on.
Its like a permanent clash, basically. Although if the enemies destructive power is higher you will take more damage than if clashing.
Block break lasts 1 second, leaving you open to be attacked.
Blocking only works infront of you.
Recovering -[]
If you are overpowered in a clash, like when the enemies move directly counters yours, you can block right after taking damage to shove the enemies attack away and enter back into neutral clashing. If you fail to do this, the enemy can use more basic attacks against you.
Theres only a small recovery window. Like 1/3 of second.
This can be used to avoid getting combo’d at close range.
cannot recover out of getting block broken.
Combat Basics - Battlefields[]
The arena on which you fight has hazards on it that stands can interact with and use to their advantage. Basically sharp objects and unusual landscapes for some stands to abuse.
The combat isnt entirely oriented at close range physical combat, special abilities and such are very important. These special abilities arent always based entirely around attacking the enemy. And battlefields have some RNG to them, as creatures can spawn around.
Imagine it like YBA SBR if it was actually cool. I have nothing specific to say here other than stand abilities can utilize the battlefield to fight. You might not spend 100% of a fight clashing with the enemy.
Combat Basics - Abilities[]
Stands have special powers they can utilize for their advantage. Basic attacks usually use the stands physical form to fight, and the reason I say usually is because some stands dont have that function.
Abilities are mapped T Y U G H J Z X C V B.
Most stands will not use all of those keys, or if they do it wont ALL be directly for close range combat. Abilities are usually using the stands power in various ways to give you or your teammates an advantage.
Combat Basics - Heavy Attacks[]
“R” is reserved for a heavy attack. This is not included with the physical attacks.
R can only be clashed by other heavy attacks, otherwise it just hits the stand normally.
This heavy punch always breaks block, and can only be clashed by another heavy attack or dodged.
However, this move is so powerful because it has a long windup. It has a base windup of 1.25 seconds for all stands, and is uncancellable.
This universal heavy move's knockback depends on the stand of course, but it usually sends enemies flying.
R is basically an addon to physical attacks, but basic attacks are traditionally for close quarters comboing. As stated previously, even if you press R after a second of the enemies windup it will clash.
Combat Basics - M1[]
Humanoid stands will have a m1, where they throw out a few rhythmic punches and kicks. These are very light and can be easily blocked and clashed by anything. The simplest form of attack. This will be specified in the stands concept, but anyway id like to note spamming m1 is a bad idea as different types of attacks will easily overpower the weak m1s.
M1 will automatically change its visual appearance to properly clash against lower or higher attacks. Yuh.
Combat Basics - Clashing Type Matchups[]
Some stands will be assigned some special clashing types which interact with other stands. Yuh. This will be more clear when im actually making but but basically heavy>light but heavy slower and there are some exceptions like sharp moves. Read whatcha read mate.
Passives -[]
Passive abilities or features that stands have. Im sure your familiar with this term.
Stand Stats -[]
Stand stats showcase the stands canon stats.
Stats cover -
Destructive power Speed Durability Potential Range Precision
i probably wont continue this project that often.