D4C Rework Concept (H4)[]
This is not counting Love Train.
"The one who took the first napkin determines everything. The rules of this world are determined by the same principle as 'right, or Left?'! In a society like this table, a state of equilibrium, once one makes the first move everyone must follow!" - Funny Valentine
>> Description and How to Obtain[]
This part is skippable.
D4C is a stand that only exists in the root universe in which the Saint's Corpse exists. The stand allows the user to bring objects from the other dimension to assist them in battles as long as said objects are sandwiched by a different entity. Other than the user, no two versions of the same lifeform or thing can co-exist in the same dimension, therefore if they get too close to one another, they both will crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration. The user of D4C can also bring multiple of themselves into the same universe, and switch users depending on the situation.
Obtainment Method[]
D4C can be obtained by using a Heart of the Saint's Corpse on a Standless with maximum worthiness. D4C: Love Train's obtainment method will then be changed by doing a quest. (which I might expand on when I decide to make a Love Train rework concept)
- Common Moves -[]
[LMB] - M1: D4C hovers in front of the user before promptly punches forward, dealing 8.9 damage. This move can be chained up to 5 times with the last one knocking the victim away from the user.
[RMB] - M2: D4C winds its right arm before hovering in front of the user and punches forward, dealing 12.1 damage. This move can be parried.
[E] - Stand Barrage: D4C hovers in front of the user before unleashing a barrage of punches, each dealing 1.5 damage. This move acts similarly to other Stand Barrages in the game.
[R] - Stand Barrage Finisher: D4C hovers in front of the user before throwing a heavy punch forward, dealing 17.4 damage. This move can be parried, but is uncancelable.
= Unique Moves =[]
[T] - Rushing Strike[]
D4C swiftly rushes forward in front of the user before delivering a fierce strike, dealing 19.4 damage to victims and stunning them for a considerable amount of time. The distance of D4C's rush is long enough for it the strike to hit enemies that are at the end of Pluck's Pierce Strike hitbox.
- Wind-up: Similar to C-Moon's Uppercut to the Moon
- Stun: Similar to KC's Chop
- End-lag: Similar to KC's Chop
| Blockable | Cancelable | Can't be Parried | 12 Second Cooldown |
[Y] - Keen Slice[]
D4C unwaveringly twirls forward, before doing a clean slicing motion with its right arm in front of itself, which will deal 26.3 damage and dismember one of the victims arms. This move has a relatively wide hitbox, similar to the width of KC's Impale hitbox, and ragdolls the victims. After getting up, victims will gain iFrames for a brief moment.
Just like KCR's Dimension Scythe, victims without an arm will take 20% more damage. The limb regeneration time is also similar to KCR's Dimension Scythe.
- Wind-up: Similar to TWOH's Reality Overwrite Punch
- Stun: None (Ragdolls)
- End-lag: Similar to KC's Impale
| Ignores Blocks | Uncancelable | Can be Parried | 17 Second Cooldown |
[G] - Dimensional Punch[]
The user throws an American flag forward, stunning any victims that get caught by it. If a target is caught by the flag, D4C will then vigorously smash the flag to the ground, dealing 18.5 damage and teleporting any victims getting sandwiched by both the flag and the ground to an alternate dimension. The hitbox of the flag is similar to Stone Free's String Barrier, but it doesn't have a lingering hitbox. The flag is cancelable, while the smash isn't.
The victims will then be teleported back in front of the user, slightly elevated in the air once the user has finished the move's end-lag. Said victims will be locked in-place while airborne, unable to use any moves except for blocking, parrying and using Stand Barrage. Similar to SP's inhale, but only lasts for a brief moment as once they touch the ground, they are no longer locked in-place.
- Wind-up: Similar to C-Moon's Surface Inversion Punch
- Flag Stun: Enough to confirm the punch
- Teleport Stun: (Lock in-place: Can block, but cannot use moves. Airborne time similar to the stun of Pierce Strike)
- End-lag: Similar to C-Moon's Surface inversion Punch
| Blockable | Cancelable | Can't be Parried | 20 Second Cooldown |
[H] - Summon Clone[]
The user lies down an American flag on the ground. If the move is used again when a flag is already present, D4C summons a clone of the user on top of the flag. When there is a summoned clone, the user will not be able to lay down a flag.
When summoned, the clone will kneel on top of the flag and NOT attack or pursue any nearby targets. The cooldown starts when the user summons a clone.
Said clones will automatically block any blockable moves, but will not parry moves that can be parried. Block breaking the clone, or dealing any damage to it will result in them dying, and therefore cannot be used by the D4C user. Their deaths will not heal Vampire race players. The flag and the clone will despawn if the user has traveled too far away from them, about 2x the maximum distance of Time Skips.
- Flag Wind-up: Similar to Stone Free's Ora Kicks
- Flag End-lag: Little to no end-lag
| Cancelable | 15 Second Cooldown |
[X] - Celebratory Shot[]
The user draws a revolver before shooting it at the cursor, dealing 12.7 damage to the victims hit and stunning them for a brief moment. If the user has a clone standing by, the clone will fire a follow-up shot at the user's cursor the moment the user's bullet hits a target, extending the stun if the shot hits the same target and dealing an additional 10.8 damage damage.
Without the clone extending the stun of the user's bullet, the stun is too short to give the user an advantage; the move makes both parties neutral. Both bullets can deal enough block damage to break blocks by themselves, but one bullet alone is not sufficient.
- Wind-up: Similar to TWAU's Pocket Revolver
- #1Stun: Similar to TWAU's Knife Throw (Without clone)
- #2Stun: Similar to TW's Knife Throw (With clone)
- End-lag: Similar to TW's Knife Throw
| #1Blockable | #2Break Blocks | Cancelable | Can't be Parried | 16 Second Cooldown |
[Z] - User Transfer[]
D4C immediately switches its user, transferring the player to the position of the stand-by clone, and healing them for 20. The body of the original user will then play an animation of them drawing and blocking their front with a flag and entering a counter state for 3 seconds. The current user will play an animation of them folding the flag under them multiple times before putting it inside their "pocket". This serves as an end-lag to the counter.
If the body of the original user gets hit in their counter state, they will wrap the attacker with the flag then tackle them to the ground, sandwiching them and teleporting them into an alternate dimension. The user will then cancel their flag animation and instead slip inside between the flag to follow the attacker to the same dimension. When both animations play, both parties will become immune to 3rd party attacks. After arriving at the alternate dimension, the user throws an American flag behind them and summons a clone, which will then stand by in said place.
In the Alternate Dimension[]
There will only be the user and the attacker that get transported. They both will not be able to leave the dimension until one of the party dies, or 50 seconds have passed. An invisible wall will be put in the alternate dimension similar to the ones that Made in Heaven's Time Acceleration has to prevent either party from running too much.
If the clone the user summoned dies, the user will automatically summon a new one 8 seconds after the former clone died. The animation will not give the user an end-lag.
- Transfer Wind-up: Similar to Time Skips
- Counter Wind-up: Similar to Stone Free's Ora Kicks
- End-lag: Similar to Boxing's Jawbreaker
| Uncancelable | 50 Second Cooldown |
+ [H] - Clone Obliteration[]
This move can only be used when the user is in the alternate dimension, and replaces [H] Summon Clone.
D4C steadily grabs forward, if it successfully hits a target, D4C will put the target in a cutscene where it will trip and pin them on the ground. Two clones of the user will then appear with the dimensional version of the target, shoving them together which disintegrates them into Menger sponges before exploding. After that, the scene ends and 40 true damage will be dealt to the victim, ragdolling them.
Dramatic Finish[]
If the victim of this move dies after getting hit by [H] Clone Obliteration, their ragdolled corpse will deteriorate into purple pixels (Menger sponges) and the user will pose at the end of the cutscene. A voiceline of "Dojyaaa~~n!" will play upon arriving to the original dimension which can be heard by nearby players.
- Wind-up: Similar to the old KC's Impale
- Stun: None (cutscene and ragdolls)
- End-lag: Similar to Stone Free's String Beatdown
| Ignores Block | Cancelable | Can be Parried | 50 Second Cooldown |
Skill Tree[]
📝All of the moves above are presented with all of the skill nodes activated.
Skill Node | Description / Explanation | Notes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Destructive Power I ~ V | Increases overall STAND damage. | Comparable to most stands with A destructive power (ex: TW, SP, TWAU, KC etc) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rushing Strike | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Keen Slice | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Celebratory Shot | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Summon Clone | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
User Transfer | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensional Traveler I ~ II | Extends the duration of [Z] User Transfer's Alternate Dimension and clone by 10 seconds each node. |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clone Obliteration | Shares the same keybind as [H] Summon Clone, and replaces said move when the user successfully counters using [Z] User Transfer. |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensional Punch | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Precise Teleportation | Grants Dimensional Punch the "Airborne" mechanic. | Without this skill node, [G] Dimensional Punch will only put the user and the victim on neutral; Basically means that without this skill node, [G] Dimensional Punch will not function the same as SP's Inhale. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sleight of Hand I ~ II | Reduces the wind-ups and end-lags of [X] Celebratory Shot, [H] Summon Clone and [Z] User Transfer. |
Theoretical Combos[]
Combos that are theoretically possible in real fights. The moves that block breaks are untrue, the rest are true unless canceled by a Stand Barrage.
Boxing Combos[]
- Rushing Strike > Liver Shot > Jawbreaker (Block Breaks) > 3M1s > Keen Slice
- Knuckle Sandwich > Jawbreaker (Block Breaks) > M1 > Liver Shot > Dimensional Punch > Haymaker
- Knuckle Sandwich > Celebratory Shot (Block Breaks) > M1 > Liver Shot > Dimensional Punch > Jawbreaker (Block Breaks) > Rushing Strike > Keen Slice
Pluck Combos[]
- Pierce Strike > Rushing Strike > Celebratory Shot > M1 > Blitz Strike (Block Breaks) > 3M1s > Dimensional Punch > Soaring Tempest > Crescent Slice (Do a circle and land at the teleportation spot) > Pierce Strike > Mortal Slash
- Soaring Tempest > Crescent Slice > Pierce Strike > Rushing Strike > Celebratory Shot (Block Breaks) > 3M1s > Dimensional Punch > Blitz Strike (Block Breaks) > 3M1s > Pierce Strike > Keen Slice
- Unsealed Steel > Rushing Strike > Pierce Strike > Dimensional Punch > Blitz Strike (Block Breaks) > M1 > Celebratory Shot > Keen Slice
Possible Techs: Using Soaring Tempest after Dimensional Punch forces the victim to block, and then the user can use Crescent Slice to block break the victim (can be seen in the first combo)
- #1 Scrapped Idea: 50 skill point cost to represent the 50 stars inside the American flag. Scrapped because it'd ruin the balance.
- #2 Scrapped Idea: An alternative to [Z] User Transfer, by not having the original body do a counter, instead just acting like a normal time skip. Scrapped because that's lame.
- #3 Scrapped Idea: In the Dramatic Finish of [H] Clone Obliteration, the user would heal 50% of their HP as a reward for finishing with the move. Later nerfed to 25%, and then removed completely after realizing how unnecessary that would be.
- #4 Scrapped Idea: I wanted to include the voicelines for each move including Stand Barrage and its Finisher, but ended up not to because I have no idea how to quote Valentine.
- Try to guess what the current skill tree is trying to represent!
- Leave a criticism in the discussion post, and if you liked it, consider giving an ⬆️upvote⬆️!