Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki
Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki

| [ [ | Before The Dawn, The Beginning | ] ] |[]

And then, John JoJolands said ` ` I understand now, Jodio. This is a world, a place all full and inhabited by 'JoJos' like me. . . quite funny, wouldn't you think so you too? Almost like a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 10 : JoJoworld. ` `

To which Jodio Joestar replied ` ` Well, that's certainly an idea, John. You always got to be safe, be careful out there. Really, it's like a JoJo eat JoJo world out there. . . ` `

And John JoJolands said back to him ` ` Well, Jodio. It's certainly been a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 9 : JoJolands. ` `

And Jodio Joestar replied back ` ` Indeed, quite the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 9 : JoJolands we've had these years, wasn't it? ` `

Shortly after all of this, the plane from Albuquerque finally made land, and Jóse Joestar greeted the two, for later may their bizarre adventure begin.

| [ [ | The Origin | ] ] |[]

Geb Platinum Platinum Platinum Platinum The World World World Act 4 Alternate Universe Over Made In Heaven Heaven ' s Door Bites The Dust Requiem Purple Boy II Bells Mountain Breaker Tusk Deluxe Sticky Experience Blues Echoes Moon Moon Moon Snake Purple Magician's Cream Cream of Home Survivor Waves Beach Wonder Wet Park Crimson Green Purple Fool Chariot Anubis Sethan Lovers' Bastet of Atum Tohth & Khnum Oasis Osiris Experience In The Mirror Face Wind Feet Machine Smith Leaves In a Silent Way This Way Doggy Trucking Heart Fun Fun Les Rock War Doobie Schott Schott Vitamin Man Hawaii Rain Storm Baby Wu Purple Stand Speed Deluxe Deluxe King King Queen Ticket Me Monsters Deed Ya Boom No Rhythm Wired Mandom Rainbow World You Boy Disco Stand Kiss Free House Fighters Report Down Dolls Transfer To Hell Manson Flash Bizkit Dream Hustle Ma Boiling Water World High Rhapsody Lock Echoes Girl Sabbath Pistols Dead Work Chariot Experience President Notorious Metallica Stone Stand Stands Album Clash Operators Head Sheer Surface Lock Necklace Company Pepper Diamond Hand Ratt Baby Purple Purple Jam Harvest Cinderella Father Star Cat Enigma Fly Trick Stand Ebony Temperance Strength Justice Gray Sun Death Judgement Empress Fortune Priestess Horus Sax Stand Stand Bag Romance is the evolved form of John JoJoland's Stand in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 10 : JoJoworld. It has the ability to explode the enemy's balls, but only when it is exactly 34 degrees Farenheit in Texas, 56 degrees Celsius in Florida, 21 degrees Celsius in Greenland, also only when the Sun is exactly in line with Sagittarius A, when the Moon is exactly 5 degrees perpendicular to the Bootes Void and also when a random cow is lactating, and also while 2 random female bobcats are in heat and a 22 year old Australian man accidentally leaves his closet open, also only when John Cena is driving a car and Obama is reading a newspaper, also only if two shrubberies are exactly 45cm across and 15.2 cm tall, and exactly 26 feet apart from each other, also only if two male beetles are competing for a female, also only if the sea is 5 above sea level, and also only if someone in a hotel on the 56th floor has their light on while the person on the 42nd floor is taking a bath, also if the register at a 7/11 store in Canada is being robbed, also if two random people are eating in Quebec, and a cat is shredding up a couch, while exactly three birds are dropping waste on the roof of a Walmart, but also only if a random SP:TW user gets perfect blocked in YBA, and also if a comment / post by @StealthJet , @Saapiniapple , @Gjgjgjgjgj or @NickSentry2 is upvoted by @Honeywingss , also only if @Gjgjgjgjgj posts a rework concept, but also only if @Ylokk posts a rework concept and @B2 Stealth Bomber is currently bombing children in the Middle East, and also only if someone is watching Breaking Bad at 3:24 PM EST on Episode 6 at exactly 3 minutes and 11 seconds in, but also only if someone is browsing r/yourbizarreadventure, and also only if someone is playing A Bizarre Day with STW and also only if someone is drinking Kool-Aid. Also only if @StealthJet has C - Moon + Boxing and @Gjgjgjgjgj has Silver Chariot + Boxing, but also only if @Gjgjgjgjgj is playing 'Cartride into Morbius' while @StealthJet is playing 'Survival the Godzilla the killer' and @Ylokk is playing Project JoJo, but also only while @TheswagJoe and @SomeDudeWithARandomAccount are playing YBA and @E.O. Speedchariot is drawing The World doing a cookout with Star Platinum, and also if @Lesstimeongothacked is commenting on an off-topic post, and also only if @Joe Kujoe Boss is playing Subject in HOURS, but also only if @B2 Stealth Bomber is playing Call of Duty Zombies or Minecraft.


| [ [ | The Stand | ] ] |[]

Physical Description +[]

「GPPPTWWWA4AUOMIHHDBTDRPB2BMBTDSEBEMMMSPMCCoHSWBWWPCGPFCASLBoAT&KOEITMFWFMSLIaSWTWDTHFFLRWDSSVMHRSBWPSSDDKKQTMMDYBNRWMRWYBDSKFHFRDDTTHMFBDHMBWWHRLEGSPDWCEPNMSSSACOHSSLNCPDHRBPPJHCFSCEFTSETSJGSDJEFPHSSSBG」appears as a large 'meatball' of every Stand, appearing as each Stand being meshed into each other and held together. For how such is even possible, how this even happens or why it even happened is impossible to imagine.

(Q) - Summon Stand


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