I'll engrave these words onto my Stand so I won't forget them. What is most necessary is "courage"; I must have the courage to destroy my Stand momentarily. As it disintegrates, my Stand will absorb the souls of the 36 sinners and will give birth to something utterly new.
-Dio's Diary
The Green Baby appears to be a small baby with a face similar to that of C-Moon, with its skin being green.
How to Obtain[]
To obtain the Green Baby, you must complete Pucci quest (LVL 40+).
You could also buy one at the Headless Horseman for 15 Candies, which was part of the 2021 Halloween Event.
If you have Whitesnake, you can use the Green Baby to turn your Stand into C-Moon, which is its main usage.
You can sell the Green Baby for $2500 to ShiftPlox, The Travelling Merchant.
This is best used with Worthiness V to ensure it works.
You are able to get the Green Baby multiple times.
Without Whitesnake equipped:
[The Green Baby cries.]
With Whitesnake equipped:
GOO GOO ZA GA GA WARUDO (The Green Baby wants to merge with your STAND. Accept?)!
Player: Yes (Accept) No. (Decline)
The Green Baby merges with your STAND.
- You do not need Whitesnake to complete Pucci's quest for the Green Baby. If you have a spare DIO's Diary and are above level 40, you can head to Pucci and get a spare Green Baby in your inventory if you want to get C-Moon later.
- It was added in the same update as C-Moon and DIO's Diary, obviously.
- The Green Baby, like arrows and ribcages, can turn you to stone if you use it without Worthiness V and cause it to disappear from your inventory. This is why it is crucial you don't use it with anything other than Worthiness V.
- If you use Nail Glide while holding a Green Baby you will fly upwards.
- In The Hallowen Update [ver 0.885] You could exchange 15 Candies to get a Green Baby.
- Holding a Green Baby and using The Golden Spin causes the baby to spin rapidly around your arm.
- The Green Baby Is Not Tradeable.